On behalf of the people of West Papua and the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) Provisional Government, I would like to offer Papua New Guinea Premier James Marape my sincere congratulations on his resounding re-election as Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea.

Prime Minister, I have trust that your continued leadership will benefit the peoples of West Papua and Papua New Guinea, from Sorong to Samarai. New Guinea continues to be divided by colonialism, but we know that one day the line between us will fall like the Berlin Wall. We both are confronting climate change and exploitation of our natural resources, and I look forward to tackling these issues together as fellow members of the Melanesian Spearhead Group.

I hope your new Government will help bring peace to our region, and particularly to all indigenous Melanesian people. Your decision to offer a referendum to the people to Bougainville is an inspiration to us West Papuans, and it gives us confidence that the same outcome may happen in our land. You have shown the path towards harmony and Melanesian unity in our region. I hope you will continue to advance the fundamental right to self-determination, including for the West Papuan people.

On behalf of the people of West Papua I would once again like to offer my sincerest congratulations on your re-election.

Benny Wenda
Interim President
ULMWP Provisional Government